Thursday, July 25, 2013

Stir It Up!

Hey Journeyers!

The other day I whipped up a quick, easy and healthy stir-fry that even my four year old, son LOVED. So I wanted to share it with you. Enjoy and let me know what variations you try to make it your own!

Ingredient Quick-List
Chicken Breast
Stir-Fry Veggies (pre-packaged or select your own)
Various seasonings: salt, pepper, ground ginger, garlic powder
Soy sauce

First, I chopped up three healthy-sized chicken breasts into bite sized pieces and seasoned them with salt, black pepper and garlic powder. I pan-fried them after lightly spraying the pan with vegetable oil. I turned the pieces often to make sure they cooked thoroughly.

When the chicken was nearly done, I added a little olive oil to my hot work and stir-fried my vegetables for about 5 minutes. I used frozen veggies (I LOVE Kroger's meal ready sides).

After the veggies were done - cooked through yet still a little crisp, I added the now cooked chicken to the wok and mixed everything together. I seasoned the mixture to taste with ground ginger, black pepper and soy sauce (just enough to flavor the mixture, not drown it).

And voila! A quick and easy stir-fry, served over steaming white rice. It took less than 30 minutes.

It was so good, flavorful and plentiful, I ate it the next day cold, over a bed of salad. Delicious!

What are some of your favorite stir-fry recipes?

In Love & HEALTH,


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