Monday, October 8, 2012

Wait, what? #TwitterStalkingProblems

Posted by: Jessica

OK, we need to talk.

I recently came across a blog that caters to an urban, adult audience, and although there was ebonics and extreme cursing I felt like this particular post was extremely well written and had sooo many awesome points. You might want to check it out before reading this post any further….

Let me tell you, that post completely validated so many new thoughts and feelings that were arising within me as I explore feminist theology during my second year of Divinity School and I want to look at those ideas from more of a Christian viewpoint. Ok, fast-forwarding to NOW: I was perusing my twitter timeline (or perhaps twitter stalking) and came across a beautiful young Christian lady who was wearing a shirt that read: “Rib in Waiting.”


A few points.

1. I’m assuming that the rib she is referring to is the rib of the adam described in Genesis 2:21-22. Genesis 2 has a beautiful creation story of human kind coming into fruition, flourishing throughout the earth and being an intrinsic part of God’s creation. But, there are two creation stories in Genesis. The first is seen in Genesis 1, where “God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them” (Gen 1:27 NRSV).  There is no mention of a rib in the first creation story and it seems that both male and female were created simultaneously, equally. So it seems…

2. If we were to disregard the first creation story in Genesis 1 for a moment and focus on Genesis 2, we would have to focus on the rib. For that is the turning point for the adam, for all of humanity. God physically and intimately interacts with God’s own creation and voila! A woman is formed. A being. A complete, competent, divinely fashioned whole person is created by God. She is no longer a rib, but a human being, a woman made in the image of God with a divine purpose within this world. The shirt effected me most pertaining to this point. As women, lets give ourselves complete and total credit for the whole person that God created us to be, and not limit ourselves and our bodies to one piece of another human being. We are our own selves, we are no longer just a member of another person’s whole. We too can stand independently.

3. Lastly, the “in waiting” portion of the shirt makes me nervous. I believe that this in reference to not going out and “seeking love” but to allow a man to come in and sweep you off of your feet. I was there. I had my own agenda but relationship wise I thought I would have to sit pretty with my legs crossed, hands folded, and a pretty smile on my face… waiting. Aiming at being attractive to all of the “good” guys out there. I was there. But ladies, TAKE RISKS! Do not sit and wait for a man to sweep you off your feet. In any good relationship, both partners must be fully involved, sweeping at each other (funny image). Live your life, focus on your personal ministry but don’t keep your nose up in the air. Love love! Just my opinion. I’m in a relationship with an amazing Christian man who did make all the first advances but I was not batting my eyelashes waiting for him to approach me. Pshh. Not at all actually (story for another day), and actually, I wasn’t waiting for a man either. I was living. Focusing on my ministry.

Reading the blog fired me up. Seeing that shirt fired me up. I really think that women need to recognize that we too are beautifully created in the image of God and as whole and complete human beings, independent of men.

Just my ramblings and completely my opinion. Just wanted to share. Thoughts?

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