Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Update

Posted By: Ashley

I have been so busy it's cray. But I couldn't let another night go by without writing something on the blog...I miss it and YOU, our readers. I had an amazingly productive weekend and unexpectedly learned a few life lessons along the way. On Saturday I intended to go to an-all day young professionals conference organized by Senator Warner. The schedule looked amazing -  lots of fun workshops, networking opportunities and superstar keynote speakers. But on Friday night I realized that I was...well, exhausted. I've been traveling a lot for work, I have a few big projects to tackle, plus I'm doing a lot (A LOT) of volunteer work in the community which I looooove but it's time consuming. So even though I knew I should go to this conference, something was telling me to just skip it and actually take a day to catch up with myself. So I did. Best.decision.ever. I slept in, watched 3yr olds play soccer, bought myself some gorgeous yellow mums (yay fall) and I accomplished a lot around the house. #Perfect

nothing says fall like mums on a doorstep <3
On Sunday, I went to an all day training at my church to learn how to start the small-group ministry that's been on my heart (details soon). There were only four of us in the room but there were places set for at least 20 people. It was then that I learned about my Pastor's "open seat policy." The facilitator said to always plan for more people than you know are coming - in expectation that God will work and the seats will be filled. That statement gave me a major aha moment. To boldy and unashamedly plan with the expectation that God will provide is such a beautiful concept of faith. It inspired me to not only live in faithful expectation but PLAN for fulfillment.

So that's my weekend update. How are you doing?? How have you welcomed in the fall season?

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