Sunday, April 29, 2012


Posted By: Ashley

Two weeks ago I celebrated my 29th birthday. 29!! That sounds so old to be just getting started. I spent the day with one of my girlfriends and our kids. We went to the park and children's farm...ate icecream and enjoyed the sunshine. It was a good day - a bright spot in what's so far been a unique and transitional year for me.

Maymont Park
The month of April in particular has been tough....I've had a lot on my plate and trying to balance it all (and stay sane) has been a challenge to say the least. I've taken on greater responsibilities at work, I've had some stress and strain in my relationship, I'm participating in a leadership program at a local university and I started a second job as a Sales Manager for an awesome women's magazine called Far Above Rubies. Plus there's my volunteer work, being a mommy and taking care of a house (phew!) Although I'm busy, I can't complain because I feel that this is a growth period for me. You know how you can just feel when the world realigns itself and changes the course of your life? It's scary...the fear of the unknown but it's empowering and humbling to know that God trusts me with so much. He's enlarging my territory and that's exciting.

So how have I managed to stay relatively sane during this crazy time in my life? I think it's a culmination of what I've learned over the last 29 years.
  • Depend fully on God. I was raised in the church but it hasn't been until recently that I've fully understood what it means to give it all to God. Prayer, fasting, studying the Word and going to church regularly really does make a difference.
  • Rely on my family and friends.
  • Ask for help...and not just be willing to ask but be willing to accept it.
  • Have faith in the integrity of other people.
  • Exercise and eat well (but splurge every now and then).
  • Allow myself to take a time out...pity parties are ok but I set a time, space and limit on them.
  • Plan ahead...I have to make lists/excel spreadsheets and write down everything.
  • Pour into others - the time I spend with my mentee is worth just as much to me as it is to her.
  • It's okay if I don't get everything done when I physical and mental health is more important than mopping the floor or sending one more email.
Sooo as April comes to a close, I look forward to the month of May and I look forward to this new year of my life....Afterall, "The only thing constant in this world is change." What are you looking forward to in the coming month or year?

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