Sunday, February 12, 2012

I Need A Hug

Posted by: Jessica

Today in Church, my pastor shared his thoughts from a passage in Songs of Songs discussing the strength of love and how it can overcome everything. Love is the one law that Jesus asked Israel to continue to follow, it is mentioned over and over throughout both the New Testament and the Old and is even compared to God in 1 John saying "God is Love."

Love is a beautiful, miraculous, and even frightening thing. My pastor spoke mostly on the love that blossoms within a marriage, and me, being unmarried, sat and thought about all those in my life who I've said "I love you" too. I thought I found love before while in a relationship, but through reflection and prayer, found that it was more infatuation and dependency than anything else. I found love through friends who uplift me, have faith in me, and keep me covered in prayer through the dark times in my life. I found love through my family, who honestly, doesn't share the words "I love you" too often. We are often quick to hide our emotions and feelings for one another whether they are good or bad and allow loving communication to slip. My dad held my hand while praying in Church this morning and I realized how much I missed that love and how much I need it. So no matter how much my mother gets frustrated with me or how bad I feel when I feel judged by my sister over something little, know that all of those negative emotions can be overcome with Love and that is all that matters.

Recently, I have been embarking on a health journey where I don't know where the next turn will take me. Resisting the urge to unload all of my emotion onto my friends, and feeling unable to unload it all onto my family, I found myself sitting and questioning "who loves me enough to just ask, 'how do you feel about all that is happening?' or ask, 'are you scared?' or maybe, 'do you need a hug?'"

But I know that I am loved by many people, and I especially feel the love from God. When I am sitting alone in my room, waiting for test results, GOD HUGS ME, and that is the best love anyone can feel.

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