Monday, July 25, 2011

Hoarding Friends

Posted By: Ashley

Have you ever watched the show hoarders? I love it. Although I would not put myself in the same category as the woman who hoards cardboard boxes or the man who had to sleep by the front door because he had no more room in his house...I do have some hoarding tendencies. I was chatting with my sister today about my new phone and how it keeps calling random people that I most definitely do not want to talk to. I haven't talked to them in like 5 years so why should I talk to them now? And then Jessica said very astutely..."You're hoarding friends."  I don't know why I find it so difficult to erase names and numbers from my phone, even if I haven't talked to the person in years. What if I need them someday? I find it more difficult to "unfriend" people on Facebook. Maybe because these people once meant something to feels wrong to tell them that I no longer want to be their friend.

I think that somewhere along my journey of becoming a happier and healthier woman, I need to make sure that I'm surrounded by happy and healthy people - people that bring light and positivity into my life. And if I haven't talked to you in 5 years, well...neither of us are gaining much from the "friendship" anymore.

But why is it so hard? My best friend erases people from her life if she doesn't talk to them after a few weeks or even days in some cases. How about you, do you spring clean your phone or your facebook page? How do you weed people out of your life that haven't been contributing to your growth?

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